I was tired of publishing tons of content for free, so I stopped.

If you want to grow an audience and make money online, you’re expected to do tons of stuff for free, for a long time. And then, maybe, you’ll get 1% of those people to buy something.

That’s dumb. 

I love writing, but that game made me hate it. So, I decided to play a different one.

What if I put 100% of my content behind a paywall?

The idea made me want to write again. And then, when I tested it, people paid me.

I knew I was onto something.

So now, this is what Content Class is — a 100% paywalled resource tracking real-time experiments related to this idea (such as Bending Pink Steel).

If you want to learn how this all works, pick my brain about your own projects, and start playing a different game, subscribe.

✌️ See you inside,

About the Author
In 2019, I left a 10-yr career in higher education to write full time. A few of my biggest wins since then are:

- Self-publishing 20+ books that have sold over 250,000 copies to date.
- Earning $100k+ in affiliate revenue from YouTube.
- Using my time freedom to earn a second master's degree, volunteer, and get in the best shape of my life.